5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Posture in Bloomington MN

5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Posture in Bloomington MN

Chiropractic Bloomington MN Posture

If you are like many people then your posture in Bloomington MN has likely seen better days. As time goes on, it is easier than ever to slouch and lose the great posture we once had, but you can get it back with simple tips and adjustments to your everyday life. Here at Riverview Spine, we love to help people find solutions to their problems, so we have some tips for how you can improve your posture and feel like yourself again.

1. Understand the Benefits of Good Posture in Bloomington MN

In order to be motivated to fix your posture, you first need to know the benefits. In addition to having the ability to stand straight, good posture can also make it easier to manage and avoid back pain, and it improves your circulation, which is essential for heart health. When you are more flexible, it is also easier to avoid injuries in the future.

2. Start By Standing Tall All Day

The first step is the most straightforward, and it is to stand up straight throughout the day. When you stand upright with your back straight, then you will naturally put your spine in the right position. Standing straight also means that you keep your shoulders back and keep your chin parallel to the floor. Keep this pose as you stand and walk around, and over time, your posture will improve.

As an extra benefit, when you stand straight you will also be taller, which will improve your confidence. If you need proof about how important standing up tall can be, you can learn more online about how tall your favorite celebrities are. Be like them and practice proper posture.

3. Relieve Pain That Prevents You From Standing Straight

There can be many reasons why your posture is not how it once was, and a typical reason is that you are too stressed. When you are anxious and your entire body is stressed, then you naturally become more tense, and it is harder to retain a proper posture. If you have knots in your shoulders, struggle with back or neck pain, or your hips ache, chances are good that you are carrying stress and the tension is making you hurt.

If pain is keeping you from maintaining good posture, connect with the professionals at Riverviewspine Health & Injury Care. It’s critical to have your body properly aligned and work out the knots and discomfort you carry in your body. A therapeutic massage can work wonders, so make it a part of your self-care plan.

4. Invest in Your Workspace (and Deduct it on Your Taxes)

While you are setting up your office, you should also make sure to get a chair that doesn’t let you slouch while you work. Find a chair with a solid and straight backrest. When you sit, keep your legs at 90-degree angles, and your head should be balanced and in line with your torso. The computer screen should be set up so that the top of the monitor is at eye level when you are staring forward. You might even benefit from a standing desk. And remember to keep the receipts because, if your workspace is permanent, you can count it as a tax deduction.

5. Go for a Walk or Do Some Yoga

Walking is a great way to work on your posture, and if you live in a walkable area, you should take advantage of it. In fact, people who live in walkable neighborhoods weigh 6 to 10 pounds less than those who don’t. It’s easy on the environment, doesn’t cost a dime, and it’s a great way to get some vitamin D every day.

Another exercise you can do from home that is great for posture is yoga. You may not see yourself as someone who practices yoga, but it can be amazing for your body and your posture. Sometimes, having good posture is all about being flexible and building your core strength, and yoga can do that for you. There are certain yoga poses that can do wonders for your posture, including the mountain pose, shoulder opener, cat-cow stretch, and bridge pose, among others. If you want to get the benefits but you don’t know where to start, then consider joining a class.

As you can see, there are several tactics that you can try to improve your posture and feel better overall. Get a therapeutic massage. Set your office up properly and score a tax deduction. Go for a walk and do some yoga. Be more mindful about how you stand and sit. These are all affordable, practical steps towards better posture, and you’ll feel much better as a result.

9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm


Saturday & Sunday

Riverview Spine

5402 W Old Shakopee Rd
Bloomington, MN 55437

(952) 884-1507